market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
16/08/2019 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00%
15/08/2019 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00%
14/08/2019 8.40% 0.18 0.19 20,000 20,000 12,142 12,142 4,605 4,990 99.26% 99.26%
13/08/2019 7.26% 0.46 0.47 20,000 20,000 12,170 12,170 5,877 6,263 98.46% 98.46%
12/08/2019 4.66% 0.51 0.52 20,000 20,000 12,139 12,139 8,657 9,042 99.56% 99.56%
09/08/2019 4.63% 0.78 0.79 20,000 20,000 12,329 12,328 9,305 9,685 91.72% 91.73%
08/08/2019 3.81% 1.03 1.04 20,000 20,000 12,215 12,214 11,665 12,049 96.20% 96.20%
07/08/2019 4.98% 0.74 0.75 20,000 20,000 12,195 12,195 8,676 9,063 97.32% 97.32%
06/08/2019 4.86% 0.67 0.68 20,000 20,000 12,211 12,211 8,775 9,157 96.14% 96.14%

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