market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
15/10/2019 2.71% 0.19 0.20 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 74,170 76,170 93.31% 93.31%
14/10/2019 1.81% 0.50 0.51 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 109,953 111,953 99.30% 99.30%
11/10/2019 1.69% 0.50 0.51 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 118,730 120,730 96.90% 96.90%
10/10/2019 0.99% 0.83 0.84 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 202,272 204,272 100.00% 100.00%
09/10/2019 0.94% 1.06 1.07 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 210,933 212,933 97.53% 97.53%
08/10/2019 0.89% 1.13 1.14 200,000 200,000 199,998 200,000 223,212 225,214 97.30% 97.30%
07/10/2019 0.92% 1.00 1.01 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 215,934 217,934 100.00% 100.00%
04/10/2019 0.80% 1.19 1.20 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 247,951 249,951 92.47% 92.47%
03/10/2019 1.55% 1.26 1.28 200,000 200,000 196,555 196,518 251,004 254,882 98.34% 98.34%

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