market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
15/07/2019 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00%
12/07/2019 10.80% 0.07 0.20 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 42,596 46,683 80.66% 80.66%
11/07/2019 3.24% 0.30 0.40 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 81,114 83,668 100.00% 100.00%
10/07/2019 2.30% 0.42 0.43 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 86,988 88,988 100.00% 100.00%
09/07/2019 2.34% 0.46 0.47 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 85,040 87,040 100.00% 100.00%
08/07/2019 1.97% 0.52 0.53 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 100,788 102,788 100.00% 100.00%
05/07/2019 1.67% 0.53 0.54 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 119,638 121,638 100.00% 100.00%
04/07/2019 1.45% 0.69 0.70 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 137,048 139,048 100.00% 100.00%
03/07/2019 1.43% 0.68 0.69 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 138,819 140,819 100.00% 100.00%

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