market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
31/08/2020 58.29% 0.06 0.09 250,000 250,000 92,276 92,276 4,703 7,936 93.54% 93.54%
28/08/2020 13.43% 0.08 0.09 250,000 250,000 91,065 91,065 6,830 7,744 97.88% 97.88%
27/08/2020 12.23% 0.08 0.09 250,000 250,000 92,359 92,359 6,961 7,884 98.36% 98.36%
26/08/2020 12.17% 0.07 0.08 250,000 250,000 92,139 92,139 6,940 7,862 98.74% 98.74%
25/08/2020 11.39% 0.09 0.10 250,000 250,000 90,522 90,522 8,101 9,006 96.52% 96.52%
24/08/2020 9.75% 0.11 0.12 250,000 250,000 89,358 89,358 8,972 9,865 96.59% 96.59%
21/08/2020 6.73% 0.14 0.14 250,000 250,000 91,951 91,951 13,017 13,937 98.59% 98.59%
20/08/2020 5.94% 0.17 0.18 250,000 250,000 90,253 90,253 14,803 15,706 97.54% 97.54%
19/08/2020 7.34% 0.13 0.14 250,000 250,000 91,852 91,852 12,053 12,972 98.19% 98.19%

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