market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
27/04/2022 2.56% 0.04 0.23 250,000 250,000 138,332 138,333 57,834 59,218 83.48% 87.74%
26/04/2022 1.06% 0.50 0.51 250,000 250,000 152,342 152,342 142,793 144,317 99.86% 99.86%
25/04/2022 1.38% 0.77 0.78 250,000 250,000 152,138 152,140 112,873 114,396 99.82% 99.82%
22/04/2022 0.65% 1.43 1.44 250,000 250,000 151,711 151,711 230,752 232,269 99.38% 99.38%
21/04/2022 0.42% 2.28 2.29 250,000 250,000 152,441 152,441 361,692 363,217 99.50% 99.50%
20/04/2022 0.42% 2.20 2.21 250,000 250,000 152,304 152,304 363,202 364,725 100.00% 100.00%
19/04/2022 0.51% 2.35 2.36 250,000 250,000 152,462 152,462 303,672 305,197 99.35% 99.35%
14/04/2022 0.41% 2.18 2.19 250,000 250,000 152,304 152,304 364,028 365,551 99.45% 99.45%
13/04/2022 0.47% 2.34 2.35 250,000 250,000 152,298 152,298 325,359 326,882 100.00% 100.00%

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