market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
03/10/2014 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00%
01/10/2014 2.35% 0.22 0.23 750,000 750,000 750,000 749,999 324,241 331,741 75.23% 75.23%
30/09/2014 2.57% 0.47 0.48 750,000 750,000 750,000 749,999 292,902 300,402 97.97% 97.97%
29/09/2014 2.74% 0.33 0.34 750,000 750,000 749,999 749,999 285,520 293,020 94.42% 94.42%
26/09/2014 1.82% 0.56 0.57 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 409,644 417,144 97.39% 97.39%
25/09/2014 1.11% 0.55 0.56 750,000 750,000 750,000 749,998 697,658 705,157 95.04% 95.04%
24/09/2014 1.28% 0.89 0.90 750,000 750,000 749,999 750,000 582,763 590,264 95.52% 95.52%
23/09/2014 1.12% 0.78 0.79 750,000 750,000 750,000 749,999 667,699 675,198 96.86% 96.86%
22/09/2014 0.83% 1.14 1.15 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 899,498 906,998 98.29% 98.29%

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