market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
29/04/2022 1.92% 0.66 0.67 160,000 160,000 53,316 53,316 40,948 41,669 99.42% 99.42%
28/04/2022 0.51% 1.99 2.00 140,000 140,000 63,217 63,217 123,344 123,976 98.98% 98.98%
27/04/2022 0.54% 1.69 1.70 140,000 140,000 63,153 63,153 113,907 114,539 99.40% 99.40%
26/04/2022 0.45% 1.73 1.74 140,000 140,000 63,115 63,115 132,764 133,395 99.58% 99.58%
25/04/2022 0.47% 2.12 2.13 140,000 140,000 63,114 63,114 135,103 135,734 99.59% 99.59%
22/04/2022 0.38% 2.51 2.52 140,000 140,000 63,080 63,080 163,074 163,705 99.41% 99.41%
21/04/2022 0.31% 3.05 3.06 140,000 140,000 56,236 56,236 178,045 178,608 99.23% 99.23%
20/04/2022 0.30% 3.12 3.13 120,000 120,000 54,273 54,273 178,467 179,009 98.61% 98.61%
19/04/2022 0.33% 3.32 3.33 120,000 120,000 61,371 61,371 186,316 186,929 91.80% 91.80%

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