market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
08/07/2020 2.59% 0.26 0.27 250,000 250,000 152,121 152,121 56,932 58,453 98.64% 98.64%
07/07/2020 1.99% 0.49 0.50 250,000 250,000 152,454 152,454 75,752 77,277 97.48% 97.48%
06/07/2020 1.61% 0.51 0.52 250,000 250,000 152,010 152,010 92,389 93,909 99.14% 99.14%
03/07/2020 1.32% 0.76 0.77 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 94,153 95,403 97.59% 97.59%
02/07/2020 1.16% 0.86 0.87 250,000 250,000 152,050 152,050 129,654 131,174 98.87% 98.87%
01/07/2020 1.03% 0.94 0.95 250,000 250,000 151,989 151,989 146,005 147,525 98.69% 98.69%
30/06/2020 1.04% 0.97 0.98 250,000 250,000 151,912 151,912 145,813 147,332 99.56% 99.56%
29/06/2020 1.04% 0.99 1.00 250,000 250,000 151,900 151,900 146,147 147,666 99.54% 99.54%
26/06/2020 1.16% 0.95 0.96 250,000 250,000 151,931 151,931 133,284 134,804 99.58% 99.58%

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