market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
21/05/2021 3.39% 0.31 0.32 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 46,379 47,979 96.89% 96.89%
20/05/2021 3.47% 0.28 0.29 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 45,351 46,951 98.34% 98.34%
19/05/2021 3.64% 0.29 0.30 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 43,220 44,820 98.97% 98.97%
18/05/2021 3.53% 0.27 0.28 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 44,554 46,154 99.89% 99.89%
17/05/2021 4.08% 0.24 0.25 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 38,394 39,994 99.84% 99.84%
14/05/2021 4.94% 0.21 0.22 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 29,647 31,147 99.77% 99.77%
12/05/2021 4.39% 0.23 0.24 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 35,682 37,282 99.01% 99.01%
11/05/2021 4.62% 0.21 0.22 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 33,915 35,515 99.99% 99.99%
10/05/2021 4.09% 0.26 0.27 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 38,364 39,964 99.05% 99.05%

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