market maker quality

Date Average Spread Last Best Bid Price Last Best Ask Price Last Best Bid Volume Last Best Ask Volume Average Buy Volume Average Sell Volume Average Buy Value Average Sell Value Spreads Availability Ratio Quote Availability
- - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
15/12/2023 0.36% 2.77 2.78 225,000 50,000 225,000 50,000 622,552 138,845 99.97% 99.97%
14/12/2023 0.38% 2.69 2.70 225,000 50,000 225,000 50,000 595,879 132,917 97.91% 97.91%
13/12/2023 0.40% 2.50 2.51 225,000 50,000 225,000 50,000 561,743 125,332 99.36% 99.36%
12/12/2023 0.40% 2.50 2.51 225,000 50,000 225,000 50,000 567,350 126,578 97.60% 97.60%
11/12/2023 0.39% 2.58 2.59 225,000 50,000 225,000 50,000 578,293 129,009 99.38% 99.38%
08/12/2023 0.39% 2.55 2.56 225,000 50,000 225,000 50,000 578,190 128,987 99.36% 99.36%
07/12/2023 0.39% 2.53 2.54 225,000 50,000 225,000 50,000 571,017 127,393 99.37% 99.37%
06/12/2023 0.39% 2.57 2.58 225,000 50,000 225,000 50,000 576,154 128,534 98.82% 98.82%
05/12/2023 0.38% 2.59 2.60 225,000 50,000 225,000 50,000 583,368 130,137 99.33% 99.33%

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